Victor Darkes

A back-end Software Engineer who writes microservices in Kotlin & Java, while leveraging the Spring Framework. Aspiring React aficionado.


I've had the pleasure of working at some wonderful companies doing back-end, mobile and web development.

Backend Software Engineer - The Walt Disney Company

Responsible for designing, implementing, maintaining and deploying multiple backend microservices used by Movies Anywhere for it's 9 million users.

I use a lot of cool technology at work. Here's a run down of of the languages, technologies, frameworks and libraries I use: Java, Kotlin, JavaScript, React, Docker, Kubernetes, GitLab CI, Helm, Hashicorp Terraform, Apache Kafka, Redis, Atlassian Confluence & Jira, New Relic, Postgres DB, GraphQL, AWS SQS, S3, DynamoDB, RDS, ElastiCache, Lambda & CloudWatch, Spring 5.X, Spring Boot 2.X, Mockito, WireMock and Rest Assured.

Cyber Security Associate - NBCUniversal

Supported cybersecurity filmed entertainment business leaders in monitoring and reporting business system patching status, including engaging with key technical business stakeholders. Day to day responsibilities consisted of cataloging, prioritizing and supporting the delivery of key recommendations to further secure critical workflows with industry insight, tools, and practices. Played a critical role in establishing the foundations of a more robust vulnerability management program for the Filmed Entertainment business.

Software Engineering Intern - Disney Parks & Resorts

Part of a team that worked with back-end web services that interacted with global Walt Disney Parks and Resorts' websites. Worked with Java web services using technologies such as Docker, Apache Tomcat, and Maven. Created alerts and dashboards using Splunk to monitor and notify when errors occurred. Participated in an Agile Scrum environment with a team using Atlassian Confluence for updating and creating internal documentation and Atlassian Jira for logging and tracking tickets.

Used Java, Apache Tomcat, Splunk, Apigee, Docker and Atlassian Jira & Confluence.

Web Developer - California State Polytechnic University-Pomona

Designed, built and maintained web pages using HTML and CSS.

Used Bootstrap 3 front-end framework along with both Cascade and WordPress as a CMS.

Created mockups for potential sites with Adobe Illustrator.

Software Engineering Intern - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Developed an Android mobile application to be used as a spacecraft assembly workflow tracking system. Engineering and QA use QR coded labels to identify and track all parts of a spacecraft from receiving to final assembly, testing, and launch. Provides for continuous photo documentation, annotation, and indexed searching of all the events during assembly.

Used Amazon Web Services S3, along with ZXing, Realm, EasyPrefs, Gson and Volley Android libraries.

Side Project - Musiciality

Musicality is a musician utility app that contains a guitar tuner, metronome and beats per minute calculator. I made a product website for the app and I had the app published on the Google Play Store.

Learning React

My newest technology to tackle has been the web framework React.

Kotlin vs Java

Two great languages typically used in back-end development, but which one is better?

Making a Website with Stackbit

I was up and running with a modern JAMstack website in minutes.

Get in touch

I'm always interested from hearing from others so please feel free to reach out or connect with me on all the socials!